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一个掷骰子的gui matlab计算机视觉游戏编程期末project代写

2018-03-13 08:00 星期二 所属: Matlab代写,专业代做代考仿真建模分析数学视觉机器学习等 浏览:769

Final Project Proposal

How to play:


Left Center Right (also known as LCR), is a dice game for three or more players, and is entirely a game of chance.


At the beginning, each player receives at least 3 chips and seats to form a circle, in order to make sure every player has one on his/her left and one on his/her right.


Players take it in turn to roll three six-sided dice, each of which is marked with "L", "C", "R" on one side, and a single dot on the three remaining sides. For each "L" or "R" thrown, the player must pass one chip to the player to his left or right, respectively. A "C" indicates a chip to the center (pot). A dot has no effect.


If a player has fewer than three chips left, he is still in the game but his number of chips is the number of dice he rolls on his turn, rather than rolling all three. When a player has zero chips, he passes the dice on his turn, but may receive chips from others and take his next turn accordingly. The player who does not receive chips after two passes is out of the game. Winner is the last player with chips left.


What’s special:


In our LCR game, numbers of players and chips are flexible to fit any circumstance. For instance, there can be 4 players in a game at once while the number of chips could be limit to a relatively small amount to make sure the game end in a comparatively short time.


Meanwhile, various of visual and auditory effects including animation would make a LCR game more user-friendly. The initial interface (start-up screen), including buttons and instruction, would be equipped with animation. Audio effect would also be added to increase human-computer interaction.


Programming Tasks:


User Interface :

Buttons to start, pause and restart the game, animation of rolling dice and passing chips, displaying of dice results, gamers’s remaining chips, and out and victory messages and effects.

Function 1:

Let user to enter the number of players and initial chips

Function 2:

Link to the button which triggers the animation of rolling dice

Function 3:

Bring the random output of rolling dices(L,R,C,·); display sounds and animations

Function 4:

Distribute chips according to the output; display sounds and animations

Function 5:

Count and show the result (number of chips each player hold) after the distribution with sounds and animations

Function 6:

Test whether the number of chips each player hold fit the requirement of game (chip>0 || (chip=0&&pass<2)). If not(chip=0&&pass>=2), the player will quit the game with the animation on user interface.

Function 7:

Test the number of player. If (player ==1), quit the loop of throwing dices and the last player become winner. (Display sounds and animations at user interface)

Function 8:

Link to the button which resets the data and restart the game

Function 9:

Link to the button which quits the project




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