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代做CS之C++ CSC 016 – Final Project ADTs and data structures (STL usage is allowed)实现

2018-04-25 08:00 星期三 所属: C++/C代写,c语言代写代考-100%安全,包过 浏览:672

CSC 016 FinalProject


The final project is an open style one. It is designed to stimulate your creativity and encourage you to explore algorithms and data structures that you are personally interested in. The only project topic limitations are related to relevant subject matter and project complexity.


1. Use one or more Dynamic Arrays, Lists, Stacks, Queues or more advanced ADTs and data structures (STL usage isallowed)

2. You will be required to calculate the complexity of your algorithm/s and to justify the selection of algorithm/s and data structures inuse

3. Use file IO and fstream derived classes*

4. The project must demonstrate sufficient complexity appropriate for a final project**

5. Project can be completed by due date**

6. The project must be approved byinstructor

* Requirement can be waived in special cases

** will be estimated by instructor before approval

Project Teams

In addition to doing project Research and Development (R&D) using C++ and advanced data structures, one of the goals of this project is that you practice teamwork.

The ideal project team size is two (i.e. (teamSize==2) ).

Larger team sizes will only be considered for approval in special circumstances such as when the project complexity and size can justify the additional team member/s. A smaller team size (i.e. (teamSize==1) ), is also not recommended and requires special approval.

In all cases where (teamSize!=2) instructor must approve project team size and members.

Example Ideas for Projects

1. Neural Networksimulation

2. Compression/Decompression

3. Simulating complex system behavior

4. A storage and retrieval system that uses IO and advanced ADTs for in-memoryprocessing

5. A game using advancedADTs

Project Approval Process

Submit your project ideas and list of team members via email or schedule a meeting to discuss your ideas. Instructor must approve the project idea and team members by April 23 at the latest!


1. Project DescriptionDocument

a. Algorithm description and backgroundinformation

b. Algorithm complexitycalculation

2. Project sourcecode

a. Document your code thoroughly inside the source file/s using C++ style comments (‘//’ and/or‘/**/’)

b. Include instructions on how to run thecode

3. Data files if any


1. Upload all your project files (deliverables) to blackboard in a single zipfile

2.Submit the project by May 15th


编程类:C++,JAVA ,数据库,WEB,Linux,Nodejs,JSP,Html,Prolog,Python,Haskell,hadoop算法,系统 机器学习



E-mail:850190831@qq.com   微信:BadGeniuscs  工作时间:无休息工作日-早上8点到凌晨3点




