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java程序代写 Lab 10: Practicing Recursive Functions Assignment加拿大代写-计算机代写

2018-11-01 08:00 星期四 所属: JAVA代写,java代考-JAVA作业代写免费Moss检测 浏览:1379

java程序代写 Write in Java programming language for the following recursive functions (no credit for iterative implementations) and Write a main method to test the functions

Lab 10:  Practicing Recursive Functions


Learning Objectives:  The objective of this lab is to gain experience with writing recursive functions.

 Assignment: Write in Java programming language for the following recursive functions (no credit for iterative implementations) and Write a main method to test the functions

a. Write a recursive function writeLine() that writes a character repeatedly to form a line of n characters. For example, writeLine(‘*’,5) should produce the line *****.

b. Write a recursive function writeBlock() that uses the method writeLine() to write m lines of n characters each. For example, writeBlock(‘*’,5,3) should produce the following output:





c. Write a recursive function writeBackward() that write a given string of characters in reverse order.  For example, writeBackward(“abcde”, 5) should give the output: edcba


d. Write a recursive function displayArrayList(ArrayList<int> A, int first, int last) that receives an ArrayList A, first index, last index and displays the ArrayList in order


e. Write a recursive function int vowels(String s, int size) that receives a string and returns the number of vowels in the string


f. Write a recursive function void ReverseString (String s)  that receives a string and print the string backwards.  




Follow our class coding standard to complete this lab, compile and run it, check out for credit.





