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数字营销代写 Digital Marketing代写

2021-10-22 11:15 星期五 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:685

MKTG1095 Intro to Digital Marketing

Assignment #3

数字营销代写 This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade in this course and is completed in pairs. You will use Pomo, a video creation tool to ···

This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade in this course and is completed in pairs. You will use Pomo, a video creation tool to create a short video that you think would be relevant for your Major Project company to use in their Digital Content Marketing. If you are already familiar with another video creation tool, you are welcome to use it. We hope you will also use this video in your Major Project Part 2!


Submit your video promotion plan and the link to your draft video. (Yes! You may reuse this video and the video plan in your Major Project)  数字营销代写

1.Each Video Promotion Plan mustinclude:

  • A cover page with both studentnames
  • Detailed description of the persona this infographic is targetto
  • Promotion Plan for how/where/when you will post thisvideo
  • At least 5 tags you will include with this video when you post (useUbersuggest/Buzzsumo)
  • Name of Video for YouTube Posting (use headlineanalyzer)

2.Each video mustinclude:

  • Visually appealing graphics andtext
  • Soft call to action inside ofvideo
  • Content must appeal to the Persona you selected in the promotion planabove
  • Use of Neil Patel’s tips (NOTE: you do not upload an SRTfile)


Topics for your Video  数字营销代写

Your objective is to provide a video that resonates with the target persona you choose, the problem they are trying to solve and the position they are in the customer journey. Be creative!



  • Refer to HubSpot Content Marketing Certification forresources
  • Promo Video Creation Tool:promo.com
  • CoScheduler Headline Analyzer:https://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer/80597
  • Review PPT on Keyword Search options provided in Week 6Content
  • BuzzSumo:https://buzzsumo.com/
  • Video Marketing in 2019, Neil Patel, retrieved Feb. 25, 2109 fromhttps://neilpatel.com/blog/#p- 78472
  • How to Include a Call to Action in Your Infographics (June 2019), published by Infographic Design Team https://www.infographicdesignteam.com/blog/include-call-action-in-infographics/
  • Other resources you willuncover



Rubric  数字营销代写

This assignment is marked out of 40 marks and is worth 5% of your final grade in this course. You will work in pairs. Both students receive the same grade.

Video Plan 15 marks
Detailed description the Target Persona for this video. NOTE this is one of your target personas for your Major Project Part 1A  


Clearly describes how this video will be published to achieve a digital marketing objective that your own company has. Which

platforms/assets? How? How often?  数字营销代写



Appealing video title and list of suggested tags with screen shots from Headline Analyzer, Keyword search tools, Google Trends, BuzzSumo and/or others to prove analysis. 5
Video created

using Promo

25 marks
Visually appealing graphics and text 5
Soft call to action is present inside of video 5
Content appeals to the Target Audience selected in the promotion plan 5
Evidence of use of Neil Patel’s tips (you do not upload an SRT file)  


TOTAL 40 marks





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