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PHP作业Assignment Topic代写代码留学生题目英文: Topic: “PHP Control Structures”

2018-02-03 08:00 星期六 所属: WEB代写,web网页代写代做-php/java/ruby等包过 浏览:990


Topic: “PHP Control Structures”



Assignment ‘A’: Registration Form



• In this assignment we will practice submitting form data to a web site, and returning a response to the user.


• We will also, verify that the user has entered data into the user name field on the form.


® First, you need a Form.


Create the HTML form seen below:



NOTE: Use PHP to retrieve and display the current date on the page.




echo "Date: " . date('F dS, Y'); ?>




Remember to save this page with a .php extension!


Save your HTML form page as registerForm.php, upload it to the server and test it in your browser.


Next, you need to create the reply.php script which simply captures the values submitted via the form and:


  First, checks to see if the user name field is empty.


o If the user left this field blank, print the following message:


“You did not enter a user name.”


“Please return to the form and re-enter your information.”


o Otherwise, print the message:


“Thank you {print form value of username here!}.”


“You live in lovely region of: {print form value of region here!}.”


Output (Sample screen capture) IF FORM NOT EMPTY


Note: “Using the empty() function”



if (empty($variable))


print “message here”;




print “ ”;




Save your SCRIPT as reply.php, upload it to the web server, and test.






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